Thursday, May 16, 2013

What does it mean to be kind to one another?

     One thing I have noticed that runs rampant in the world today is judgement of others and judgement of people's beliefs. Too often people gossip about, judge, make fun of, and/or discriminate against people or things they really know little about. I won't lie, I have trouble with judging people at times, it has been a bad habit of mine to gossip about others. No, I'm not perfect, but I'm continually working on being better everyday, and let me tell ya, the old me and the new me are two totally different people!
     How often do you find yourself judging others or holding feelings of anger, resentment, or hurt from people who may have not even done you wrong? I have been bullied most all of my life, and there have been times when I have bullied others. Neither being bullied or being the bully is any fun! Being nice doesn't mean you let people walk all over you, nor does it mean you must drop your standards, morals, or beliefs because someone else's are different than yours.

      Being kind simply means that you learn to love everyone, even your enemies (and trust me, it's not always easy to do!), you respect others and their opinions, even if you don't agree with them (and you don't have to), and you try to look at everyone as a son/daughter of God who has infinite potential.
     Say hi to someone who seems lonely, try to help others, spend time trying to build others' up. If nothing else, at least use kind words and actions and avoid judging, name-calling, or offending/hurtful words and phrases.
     Everyone, no matter how big or small, rich or poor, wise or foolish, etc. etc. deserves to be treated with kindness and love. I promise that if you seek to better others' lives by changing your attitude, actions, and words that you will be bettered and you will be blessed.
     Thank you to everyone who reads my blog. May we all find happiness and betterment in our lives, and give kindness and love to better others' lives. I love all of you, and even more so, I know that God loves all of you and everyone!


  1. Great post! I think that everyone could learn to be more kind to people and less judgmental. I have been trying for the past couple of years to except everyone for who they are, even if I don't like them very much.. or at all. I think that everyone deserves respect to some extent and that people need to be polite to one another no matter the situation. I'm not LDS, but I do believe in God, and your blog is very inspiring! :)

    1. I think that's awesome! It's definitely not always easy to love everyone, but it's worth it! Thank you for your comment and kind words! I know God loves you

  2. I think this post is an inspiration to help others, and to give. I agree and think giving is an amazing thing.

  3. Yes, I will admit I have a very bad habit of judging people I don't know anything about. I have also been working on my bad habits.

    1. We all have bad habits and trials in our lives, but that's how we learn! I think it's awesome you're doing your best, we all have great potential and we are all loved

  4. This is a good topic can't wait to read it.

  5. This is a great blog and it will make a difference.
